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Our team will focus on the investigation of electron correlations and light-induced dynamic couplings between charge and orbit at confined atomic junctions in strongly correlated metal oxides with correlative control of the photoinduced structural dynamics and emergent phases thereon. Examination of their cooperative behavior in functional electric cells will replicate real-world operating conditions to assess their true functionality and performance in a more applicable way. Our approach will synergistically combine laser spectroscopy and electron microscopy to unravel the pivotal roles of both electronic and structural elements on materials dynamics at fundamental spatiotemporal and chemical scales. We aim to open up novel possibilities for improved manipulation over the complex properties of strongly correlated materials for practical applications, including optoelectronics, photovoltaics, ultrafast switching, and quantum conversions.



Electronic dynamics

Active applications

We design and build our own instruments to study ultrafast electronic dynamics, with the goal of applying our findings to solve real-world challenges in photocatalysis, electronic devices, and solid-state batteries.

Key techniques / interests

  • Transient XUV absorption/reflection spectroscopy

  • Femto- to microsecond transient absorption spectroscopy (UV/Vis - Mid IR)

  • High-resolution electron microscopy/electron diffraction

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Atomic imaging and chemical fingerprints: We are going to explore the structure of materials at the atomic level, combined with the spectral analysis from molecular vibrations (IR) to core-to-valence transitions, allowing for element- and carrier-specific analysis of photoinitiated electronic dynamics. We study the correlated dynamics between structure and electrons.

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서울대학교 로고.tif

Aug 13, 2024

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