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We are currently recruiting graduate students who are interested in physical/materials chemistry, ultrafast spectroscopy, applied/condensed matter physics, and electron microscopy. In our group, we actively design and construct our own unique  scientific questions, instruments, and devices, providing us with the flexibility to explore new research avenues. Your previous background isn't a concern; what matters is your curiosity, commitment, and confidence. If this resonates with you, please get in touch—we’d be happy to discuss further.

As mentioned on the front page, our group places a high value on cooperation. This doesn’t mean you have to change your personality or always be in sync with other members. Instead, we want to maintain a democratic and synergistic atmosphere where we work collaboratively, share resources, and support each other when needed. This applies to everyone, including Ye-Jin. Our goal is for everyone to succeed in their research, experiments, and overall career development.

Come join us, we are so Xcelerated to see you!

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Aug 13, 2024

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